Did you know that individuals who have friends at work are less likely to experience burnout than workers without workplace friends? Here are a host of reasons why it’s good to have a BFF at work and why you should turn your colleagues into friends.
As humans, we are hardwired to find close connections. Here are 5 things leaders should know to help them navigate workplace friendships.
Companies like Zappos and Southwest encourage fun and friendships as part of their corporate culture. They have built reputations for fostering comradeship on the job. Here’s why it works.
Dr. Jaclyn Gulotta, a licensed mental health counselor and psychologist, tells Her Campus that the psychology behind workplace friendships includes having someone who can validate your daily emotions and needs, giving you a sense of belongingness, and providing a feeling of safety and security in the work environment.
There can be a downside to workplace friendships: if not managed correctly some co-workers may feel left out. So be aware, be kind, and be inclusive.
When there is fallout at work, it can feel personal. Leaders can emphasize the values that brought the friendships together, rather than the relationships, which can allow workplaces to feel “friendly.”
And overstepping boundaries with people at work can cause tension, miscommunication and distractions. Here are some tips to properly and professionally manage your friendships in the workplace.