The need to highlight mental health is more critical than ever! Thank you for supporting Tampa Bay Thrives with your donation.
We want to share more with you about the work that we do and its impact.
Once a week during the next four weeks, we hope to build your awareness about the key pillars of our work: stigma, access, navigation and supportive services. You will receive one email each week that highlights our work and shares ways you can make a difference in advocating for awareness around mental health in your personal lives and at work. As you learn more, we want to inspire you to take even further action.
We are experiencing a whole new pandemic—this one surrounding mental health. By speaking openly about our mental health, we are one step closer to destigmatizing the need to get help and saying, “it’s okay to not be okay.”
Thank you for your generosity!
Carrie Zeisse
President & CEO
Who is Tampa Bay Thrives?
Tampa Bay Thrives is a nonprofit coalition of community leaders who care about mental health – public safety, hospitals, insurers, providers, schools, and employers – who banded together to tackle the mental health crisis across Tampa Bay.
Tampa Bay Thrives is changing the landscape for mental health by destigmatizing seeking help for services, improving access and navigation, creating systems-based solutions, and supporting the network of mental and behavioral health providers to scale these solutions.
Why Mental Health Matters
According to Mental Health America, our region is:
- 3rd highest in the nation for prevalence of mental illness
- 12th highest for serious mental illness
- 2nd in the nation for suicidal ideation
- Largest rising demographic for screenings is teenagers and young adults (up to 34) – 83% of the screens
We understand that mental health services can be confusing, that’s why we’re here to help connect you with local resources. The journey towards feeling better starts today.