October is National Depression and Health Screening Month, with major depression being one of the most common mental illnesses, affecting 6.7% (more than 16 million) of American adults each year.
Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, costing the U.S. economy $210.5 billion per year in absenteeism, reduced productivity and medical costs. This Depression Calculator for Employers uses a wealth of the latest research to model how depression impacts a company or organization, based on just a few key demographics.
Increased anxiety levels, especially when managing stressful situations or thinking about work when you’re away from your job and overall feelings of boredom and complacency about your job are just some of the signs of workplace depression.
Having honest discussions about mental health at work is not the norm. Still, we know that by fostering a culture of openness and transparency, employees create deeper connections with each other and the organization as a whole. Here’s Why We Must Talk Openly About Mental Health At Work.
Learning about depression, allowing a flexible schedule, and simplifying work scope are just some of the ways leaders can help manage an employee with depression.
Tampa Bay Thrives is a proud Mental Health America affiliate, which offers an online screening tool to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, are real, common and treatable.