We understand that mental health services can be confusing, that’s why we’re here to help connect you with local resources. The journey towards feeling better starts today.
What is Let’s Talk Tampa Bay?
The Let’s Talk line, which launched last year, provides the first step in helping callers figure out what support they might need for their mental health.
If you’re not sure how to get started or want help finding therapy options that work with your insurance and life, Dial 844-YOU-OKAY?
Let’s Talk is your connection to free, confidential mental health support. Speak to a counselor via phone and get access to mental health and substance use services. No matter what you’re dealing with, there are people who can help.
Your gift to Tampa Bay Thrives supports innovative systems-based solutions like Let’s Talk!
“Thank you so much for being a real person and being so real. I was so afraid to call this number. I had no idea you guys would be so kind to me.” Cassandra D.
Your gift helps neighbors like Sean M.
“At a time when I was having many difficulties, I found a light at the end of the tunnel when a family member recommended that I contact one of your counselors for guidance. Suddenly I saw an avenue for help in the things I was hoping for. I am grateful for a service that is there to help people like me.”