June is Beautiful in Your Skin Month, which means you shouldn’t need to conform to others’ standards of beauty. It’s harder to do than it sounds. Here are some strategies to help you be more confident in yourself, which helps boost your confidence at work.
Knowing how to stand/speak up for yourself at work is a critical career-building skill. Stand up for yourself.
If you give a big presentation at work and no one compliments you, shift your mind to focus on your accomplishments and goals. Don’t worry about what other people think.
The foundation of unhappiness is decisions made for short-term comfort that impede long-term goals. Independence, curiosity, and resilience are key to long-term thinking, so think long-term.
People respect people when they say they’re going to do something and they do it. And you will respect yourself, too. Here are 10 tips to improve your follow-through at work.
Most confident people live by a value system and make their decisions based on that value system, even when it’s hard and not necessarily in their best interest, but in the interest of the greater good. Act with integrity to help build your confident character at work.
If you find yourself longing for greener work pastures, don’t immediately go looking for the first exit ramp off of your chosen career path. Try these 10 tips for staying content at work.