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Every day the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay assists individuals in crisis. They very quickly realized that having a mentally healthy staff enhances the quality of care and support they provide to those seeking their help.

“It became critically important to foster a supportive and inclusive environment that prioritizes the mental well-being of our staff and to create a culture where employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to prioritize their mental well-being,” said Joshua Kwasnicki, Senior Director of Talent Management. “Ultimately, it’s about creating a work environment where everyone can thrive personally and professionally.”

The Crisis Center worked with Tampa Bay Thrives for the Bell Seal certification and found the partnership invaluable.

“They provided us with the resources and expertise necessary to navigate the certification process effectively,” Kwasnicki said. “Over the course of about two months, we diligently worked through the application process, ensuring that every aspect of our workplace mental health initiatives was thoroughly documented and showcased.”

Notable policies, resources, and initiatives that promote open communication, reduce stigma, and provide access to mental health resources and support services include offering self-care days, creating a DEI&B Committee, and offering self-care rooms.

Throughout the application period, Tampa Bay Thrives played a pivotal role in the process, with the Crisis Center receiving the highest Platinum designation, Kwasnicki said.

“(Tampa Bay Thrives) was with us every step of the way, from setting up informational meetings with Mental Health America, answering application questions, coordinating logistics, and frequently checking in to ensure we had everything we needed for the process to be successful,” he said. “With their support, we were able to demonstrate our commitment to promoting mental health in the workplace and ultimately achieve recognition for our efforts through the Bell Seal certification.”